» Andromeda Re-Watch

Category: Andromeda Re-Watch

3.04 Cui Bono

Andromeda transports Sid Barry, who is running for the top government office in the newly reformed Commonwealth.

3.03 Mad To Be Saved

The Andromeda encounters problems after picking up a group of mentally imbalanced refugees.

3.02 The Shards Of Rimni

Commonwealth Security considers Dylan the prime suspect in a murder investigation.

3.01 If The Wheel Is Fixed

Energy from a dimensional tunnel takes control of two crewmembers.

2.22 Tunnel at the End of the Light

Aliens from an alternate universe attack the crew of Andromeda.

2.21 Immaculate Perception

When Tyr races to save his wife and her colony from attack, he discovers he is a father.

2.20 The Knight, Death, and the Devil

Dylan attempts to save a group of captured High Guard ships.

2.19 Belly of the Beast

The crew of Andromeda encounters a creature once thought to be mythological.

2.18 The Fair Unknown

The Andromeda crew discovers a species that existed during the time of the Commonwealth.

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